Divorce & Family Law Services by Jeffrey D. Stearman, Esq.
Divorce Lawyer Orange County. Together, we can discuss other options, such as legal separation or annulment, that may better fit your situation.
Protect Your Property and Your Rights
Divorce Lawyer Orange County-Property division is a large part of any divorce. It is important to have an Orange County attorney who understands how to incorporate your property interests into your divorce decree. As a licensed private investigator in Huntington Beach, I have the skills to discover hidden assets and secure accurate values for your separate and community property.
I also understand the importance of protecting the best interests of your children when you file for divorce. I focus on ensuring that your children's rights are always protected while you and I work to achieve your goals.
Legal Separation in California
Divorce Lawyer Orange County- Legal separation and divorce have many of the same effects on a marriage, with one big difference — neither spouse can remarry while separated. Legal separation still requires an agreement or court order for things like child support, spousal maintenance or alimony, child custody, or visitation and property division. Similar paperwork must also be filled out while securing a separation, and if agreements cannot be reached, you may still go to trial. Individuals may wish to obtain a legal separation over a divorce if:
I have helped numerous clients choose the right course of action, and I can help you decide the path that will benefit you most.
Orange County Fathers Rights Lawyer
When a child is born to unwed parents, the rights and responsibilities of those parents are no different from if they were married. The father is still expected to pay child support and share in the upbringing of the child. He is also entitled to parental rights, including custody and visitation.
Legal issues can arise in these cases when the identity of the father is uncertain or is being denied or questioned by the mother. Or, there may be instances where a man denies being the father and any responsibility to the child. In others, he may claim to be the father and demand parental rights. DNA testing can establish the paternity of the child decisively. However, without a court order obtained through filing a Paternity case with the court, the father may be denied his legal custody or visitation rights.
Orange County Uncontested Divorce Attorney
Divorce Lawyer Orange County-If you wish to save both time and money in your divorce in California, a non-contested divorce may be right for you. In an uncontested divorce proceeding, neither party ever has to make an appearance inside a courtroom. If you are willing to compromise with the other party, you could get through your divorce process much more quickly.
I am attorney Jeffrey Stearman, and I have been practicing divorce and family law for more than 42 years. I will use my experience and skill to negotiate a favorable, uncontested divorce agreement for you. Contact my law office by email or call (714) 871-7778 for a FREE initial phone consultation.
Orange County Unbundled Service Attorney
In order to save you time and money, the Law Office of Jeffrey D. Stearman allows clients to obtain unbundled, or limited-scope, representation services. This enables you to choose a lawyer for a child custody proceeding, legal document drafting assistance, or relocation concern, without having to pay for a full divorce service package.
I am attorney Jeffrey Stearman, and at my California limited scope divorce law office, I provide experienced family law representation. Contact my law office by email or call (714) 871-7778 for a free initial phone consultation. You can rely on my more than 42 years of legal experience to build a solid case for you.
Skilled Representation in Paternity Cases
At the Huntington Beach, California-based Law Office of Jeffrey D. Stearman, I can help to protect your rights and the rights of the child in these cases. Whether you are a mother trying to establish paternity for support purposes, a putative father trying to avoid child support payments he doesn't owe, or the father of a child trying to gain parental custodial and visitation rights, I have the experience to protect your interests.
As your attorney, I will pursue every legal option available to help you reach a positive result in your case. You will deal directly with me every step of the way, and you will never be asked to work with a paralegal or other staff member. I make myself fully available to my clients so that if I am not on the phone or with another client, you have a good chance of reaching me. If I am not able to speak with you immediately, I always follow up within 24 hours.
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
In every marriage, each spouse brings with them separate property owned prior to the marriage, as well as the marital property they accumulated during the marriage. Prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements, sometimes referred to as premarital and postmarital agreements, are binding contracts that solidify each spouse's separate property rights prior to getting married or even after getting married.
These agreements can help couples preparing to marry or already married to clarify the characterization of assets (real property, personal property, income, and earnings) and debts of each party. These agreements can also be extremely beneficial should the marriage ever come to an end. They help to remove a lot of the uncertainty and stress during the property division portion of a divorce proceeding. Having a prenuptial agreement or a postnuptial agreement in place will also save you time and money during the divorce as well.
Protecting Your Separate Property Rights
It is important that you have an attorney review any prenuptial or postnuptial agreement before you sign it. You want to be sure that your rights are adequately protected and that there is nothing that could be misinterpreted. At the Huntington Beach, California-based Law Office of Jeffrey D. Stearman, I have over 42 years of experience in the practice of law. I have helped many clients with all types of family law matters, including prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements.
I pride myself on the personalized service I provide to every client. When you hire me as your attorney, I make myself fully available to help with questions or concerns you may have throughout the process. If I am not able to talk to you immediately when you call or visit, I will follow up with you in less than 24 hours and, usually, on the same day.
Working for a Fair Settlement in the Division of Property
Property division is frequently one of the most heavily contested parts of the divorce proceeding. California is a community property state, which means that all marital property and all marital debts should be divided equitably between the two spouses. The first thing to do in property division matters to determine what is marital property and what is separate property, and assign a value to the marital property to be divided.
Reaching an agreement on these issues isn't always easy. Marital property is any asset or debt that the couple owned or entered into together after the beginning of the marriage. Separate property is any asset or debt that either spouse owned or debt incurred on their own prior to marriage. Only marital property will be divided as part of the divorce. It is in the couple's best interests to reach an agreement on property division, or the decision will be left to a judge.
Helping You Reach an Agreement that Works for Everyone
At the Huntington Beach, California-based Law Office of Jeffrey D. Stearman, I have been practicing law in this area for over 42 years. I have extensive experience helping clients resolve property division matters, and I work with a group of highly skilled independent professionals who can help you with a valuation of assets and possible property division recommendations. However, should the parties be unable to reach an agreement as to the division of their property, I am prepared to fight for your rights in Court to obtain the best possible outcome for you.
When you hire me as your attorney, I make myself available at all times to address any questions or concerns you may have throughout the process. I pride myself on the personalized service I provide to every client. I handle every aspect of your case myself and work tirelessly on your behalf to reach a fair settlement.
Huntington Beach Divorce Lawyer
Divorce Lawyer Orange County- Do you have legal paperwork piling up and no time to sort through it? Do you need someone to properly draft your family law agreements? At the Law Office of Jeffrey D. Stearman in Huntington Beach, California, I can assist with your document review. Whether you are an individual seeking legal guidance with your court documents or an attorney with too much paperwork to complete, I will put my more than 42 years of family law experience to work for you.
I have a deep understanding of the law, and I will work with you to compile documents that will hold up in court while protecting your interests. Contact my law office by email or call (714) 871-7778 for a FREE initial phone consultation regarding your document drafting questions.
Document Preparation and Review in California
As a family law lawyer in California, I have the skills required to complete legal document work in many areas, including:
No matter what situation you are dealing with, it is always better to put your agreements in writing rather than simply relying on verbal commitments. I will sit down with you and explain how to best protect your rights and your future.
Marital Separation Agreements in California
Whether you are involved in a contested divorce or have a non-contested divorce issue, marital separation agreements can help prevent disputes from arising. These agreements spell out the rights that each partner has going forward. These rights could involve property, child custody/visitation, and issues regarding support payments. It is critical to have a skilled Huntington Beach lawyer in your corner to protect your interests when drafting this divorce document.